
6.0分 2018/中国大陆/剧情,悬疑
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BT吧为您提供2018年由胡杨,李自超,栗军,王陵志,殷成翔,周勇,张晓龙主演,韩晶导演的《1931刺杀宋子文之谜》/又名《The Scapegoat》剧情,悬疑电影在线观看完整版,《1931刺杀宋子文之谜》百度云网盘资源以及《1931刺杀宋子文之谜》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《1931刺杀宋子文之谜》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!



主演:胡杨 李自超 栗军 王陵志 殷成翔 周勇 张晓龙 

又名:The Scapegoat

Plot Summary:On July 23, 1931, a train was running on the Shanghai-Nanjing railway. Song Ziwen, the Minister of Finance and Mamoru Shigemitsu, the Japanese ambassador to China, were sitting in the compartment. With the train running on the railway and shadow of trees dancing, they had never thought that, in North Station of Shanghai Railway Station that was more than 300 kilometers far away here, the death was waiting for them. The \"anti-Chiang clique\" of Kuo Min Tang cooperating with Wang Yaqiao, the \"First Killer of China\", and Tanaka Longji, who was the \"magic soldier\" of Japan, Chang Yuqing, who was the head of Shanghai gang, were going to play a shocking \"drama\" in North Station. However, the dead wasn't Song Ziwen nor Tanaka Longji, but another man dressed in the same hat. So why did the bullet that had been fired into the song and the mallow end up on someone else? Who made two mysterious shots on earth in the sky of North Station before this assassination? What was hidden behind this assassination? In this complex and complicated assassination, who planned this murder?





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